Shen Tao Approach

The Shen Tao Approach offers both a theoretical framework, and a practical map of how to most effectively relate to oneself while training/working out/physical conditioning. This approach is relevant, and applicable in the practices of Pilates, Dance, Martial Arts, Yoga, Athletics, or any other movement, or healing art.

The Human nervous system has many layers of intelligence connecting the conscious (thinking, language based) mind, and the unconscious (somatic, emotional, Neuro-Muscular) minds. The Shen Tao Approach is a set of principles/guidelines/and techniques, of how to most effectively attend to, and communicate with the senon-verbal, somatic intelligences of the body. It is the “How” of how to change as a human being.

This approach brings together practices, and principles from disciplines such as Neuro Linguistic Programming, Sports Psychology, Self-Hypnosis, Meditation etc. to offer a map of how to most effectively manage one’s mind while the body is in motion.

This approach offers suggestions/guidelines on how to most effectively use one’s conscious mind, while harnessing the wisdom of the complementary intelligences of the human nervous system. The Shen Tao approach is characterized by a disciplined, compassionate method of self-to-self communication.

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