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For Pilates Instructors

For Pilates Teachers/Studios who wish to expand the exercise vocabulary, and services they offer their clients, while remaining within the framework of the Classical Pilates System, our innovative line of weight and pulley apparatus can provide literally 100s of variations to the Classical Method.

Our space efficient, and cost effective equipment can be combined with all makes of Pilates, Reformers, Barrels, Chairs, etc. in amazingly creative ways!

Our apparatus can also be used independently to provide more than 100 exercises based on the 6 Basic Pilates Principles.

Our weight and pulley apparatus can also be used by Pilate’s Instructors to provide a wide variety of Assisted Stretching, and Bodywork options for your clients.

We also encourage Pilate’s Instructors to develop their creativity and innovation by exploring, and developing new, and unique approaches to our equipment!

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