
The original motivation to design and fabricate the 37 pieces of equipment in the Shen Tao catalog was to equip a brick-and-mortar training facility with the equipment necessary to offer group classes in the Shen Tao Approach. 

The result was Shen Tao Studio which operated at 23d street. and Park Avenue, New York City, N.Y. for 11 years. 

The studio included 10 individualized work stations, each equipped with a ladder, bench, swivels, stool, accessories, etc.  

In 2020, the school was closed (due to Covid) and the equipment was placed in storage. 

This equipment is available to any studio owner interested in offering training, and certification in the Shen Tao Approach. 

If you feel you might be interested in housing this equipment, and potentially sponsoring these programs, please reach out to the address below. 



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