

The mission of Shen Tao is to encourage, inspire, and empower the next generation of geniuses in the fields of Physical Conditioning and the Therapeutic Arts.

It is to encourage creativity, self-exploration, and personal development in the profession of movement education.
It is to provide people with the tools and training necessary to explore and develop their own unique approach to physical conditioning.

To continue this mission, it is necessary at this time for Shen Tao to partner with like-minded professionals from the fields of Equipment Manufacturing, Marketing, and Distribution, Pilates Instruction, Personal Training, Physical Therapy, Massage Therapy, Bodywork, and many others.

I invite members of all these professions to take a look at the products and services listed below, and consider the professional benefits for yourself, and/or your company of partnering with Shen Tao.

If you feel there is a potential for professional collaboration, please reach out to the address listed below.

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